Friday, October 31, 2014


HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! Wishing my readers a very happy and spooky Halloween for you and your families. But please remember wherever your children are and whatever your plans may be, Be Careful! Follow this tips to ensure a SAFE trick or treating night.

Friday, October 17, 2014


Being a parent is hard work. You must constantly focus on your relationship with your child(ren). If you don't put in the time while they're young and they still want to spend time with you, just imagine how much more difficult it will be when they don't want you around. Put in that special time now - you'll reap the benefits in the long run.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Thursday, October 9, 2014

U.S. Supreme Court Says No....

This past Monday the United States Supreme Court finally gave its opinion about the right to gay marriage. The Court said nothing. But nothing is good news for the proponents of gay marriage. Basically, the Court denied the states that were seeking an appeal of lower court rulings banishing laws against gay marriage - those states include Wisconsin, Indiana, Utah, Oklahoma, and Virginia. This ruling means that there are 30 states now allowing gay marriage, which represents approximately 60% of Americans.
As incredible as this news is, what does it mean for Florida? The most important ruling that still stands is from U.S. District Judge Robert L. Hinkle of Tallahassee.  Although his opinion is currently being "stayed" (meaning put on hold), it remains precedent in Florida as no higher court has yet to reverse it. Proponents of the ban will request Judge Hinkle to remove the stay, however, they anticipate that Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi will oppose same. Attorney Bondi has a specified amount of time to oppose the request. Until then, Florida will continue to wait and see what lies ahead for gay marriage. Nonetheless, the road has been paved, lines have been painted and the vehicles for allowing gay marriage are waiting to enter. All we need know are the street signs.
** like that analogy??

Want to Learn More - watch this:

Monday, October 6, 2014

Talk is Cheap

We've all heard that "talk is cheap." Actions speak louder than words. And so on.... However, in the world of mediation, family mediation especially, talk IS cheap. Talk refers to communication between the disputing parties or family members. Communication is the key to all relationships. When communication fails, so do relationships.  Those relationships include business partners, contracting parties and of course familial relationships.
The Miami Herald, Business Monday section, published a succinct yet thorough article about mediation. The basic premise answers the question: "How do so many cases [non familial] resolve without a jury trial?" - Answer: Mediation! In 2013, in Miami-Dade county, nearly 40,000 new civil cases were filed. Among those 40,000 cases, only 210 juries were selected.  Thus, civil cases had more than a 99% chance of settling outside of the courtroom. How is this possible? - Mediation, Mediation, Mediation!
The world of family law is not much different. There are Florida statutes requiring a judge to order a case to mediation if there is a dispute regarding a child related issue, such as visitation.  The family court system has checks and balances to funnel a majority of the family law cases to mediation. Courts recognize that most family disputes should be settled by the family with a neutral facilitator, the mediator, not by a judge.
As the Herald article mentioned, mediation is much cheaper than litigation. Mediation resolves the dispute within a matter of hours, or days if necessary. The only cost is that of the mediator's time.  Litigation can take months, even years. The cost to litigate includes court costs, attorneys' fees, mediator's fees, and additional expenses in preparation for trial.
Family mediation opens up the lines of communication between the couple, co-parents, or family members, which will assist in facilitating a resolution. Although mediating pre-suit (before one files at the courthouse) is ideal, any time during the divorce/separation process is a good time to mediate.
Bottomline: Mediation was created to be an effective tool for dispute resolution. And it is! Choose to Mediate FIRST because Talk IS Cheap!

(Serving Palm Beach, Broward, and Miami-Dade counties)

(source: Miami Herald, Business Monday, Consider Mediation: Talk's Cheaper than a lawsuit, by Scott J. Silverman, October 6, 2014)

Friday, October 3, 2014

FRIDAY-ISM 032 - Happy Kids

Making sure your child is happy is typically one of the most important responsibilities we hold as parents. If your family dynamics are different due to divorce, separation or other circumstances, don't stress about your child's happiness. According to a recent British study, "kids who live with a stepparent or a single parent are just as happy as those in homes with two biological or adoptive parents." The study found that happiness is not determined by the family dynamics. Instead, predictors of happiness include the relationship between siblings, family activities, and having parents that don't shout.  Bottomline - allow you child to thrive in whatever environment they are in by keeping his/her life as carefree, stimulating, and harmonious as possible. Happiness is bound to blossom!

If you're experiencing a divorce, choose family mediation first - it keeps the peace!

(serving all parts of Broward, Palm Beach and Miami-Dade)